

It began as an idea born of sorrow

Benita International’s story is one where tragedy has been redeemed. In 1991 Benita, the 3 year old niece of the organizations founder Lidia, was tragically killed in an accident. This event became the catalyst to start Benita International, where the joy and happiness that young Benita was so full of could be spread to children in need back in the families home country of Romania.

The tragic loss would be redeemed as the dream of Benita International became a reality in 1991, providing hope to the hopeless and a better future to kids in desperate need. Since its start in 1991, Benita International has served over 16,000 needy children and families in Romania, and the effect of the Benita project is influencing people around the world with the hope and love of Christ. Each and every years kids find hope, health, and happiness as little Benita’s legacy lives on through the tireless work of the Benita International Foundation.

Our programs include:

Join us on a tour through Benita International, and rejoice with us in the God who brings beauty out of ashes.


About Benita


Benita, the youngest of five children, was born in a refugee camp in Turkey where her family received political asylum because they were fleeing the communist regime in their native Romania.   They arrived in America when she was six months old.  

Benita loved to laugh and sing, and was always smiling. She loved to sing to God - Jesus Loves Me and If you're Happy and You Know It, were some of her favorite songs. She loved changing clothes and dressing up, especially in her older sister Dina's clothes. She was a delight to all who knew her and filled her family's life with joy, laughter and love.  

When Benita was three, she was killed in a car accident.  Benita International was founded as a tribute to the love and life of Benita.

Our Staff

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Lidia Murza, President

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Ligia Bote

Simona Rauca

Our Board of Directors


Randy Short

Mihai Toma

Dina Ghuirau

George Botea

Ana Toma

Michelle Wilbur

Andrei Toma

Elizabeth Toma